"A Wish with inspired action is a beautiful dream come true."
- Tonia Cianciulli, Founder of Wish Arts/Opera
Welcome to the community of Wish Arts. Under the umbrella of Wish Arts are a number of platforms that help to nurture, inspire and promote Canadian Artists of all artistic mediums: 'An Artist's Journey', programs and workshops geared towards nurturing the psychological and behind-the-scenes aspects of being a performer and artist, 'An Artist's Spotlight' which features interviews with inspiring Canadian Artists, and 'Wish Opera' which collaborates with artists of all genres to produce operas and concerts in contemporary way in an effort to expand the audience of opera to broader audience.
A wish will simply remain a Wish unless is it is nurtured into fruition by our actions - planting seed after seed, to produce a harvest. From the moment we are inspired by a wish, we are blessed in that moment with the divine power
to make it our reality. Our artistic journey through life is constantly evolving, expanding and emerging anew.
What if there was a new way to fulfill on your dreams and life's purpose, create your
passionate journey through life, and honor your authentic voice? Journey with Wish Arts!
ASK me about Programs, Workshops, Coaching, School Presentations: tonia@wishopera.ca